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The Boarding School for Talented children in Kyiv, Ukraine. 
Vision 2030.

My meaningful generosity is dedicated to building a state-of-the-art boarding school for talented children in Kyiv, Ukraine, with a visionary outlook towards 2030. By providing a cutting-edge educational facility, I aim to create an environment that nurtures the potential of every child, irrespective of their background or social status. The school will operate on a competition basis, ensuring equal opportunities for all aspiring young leaders to gain admission based solely on their abilities and talents. Through this endeavor, I aspire to cultivate a diverse community of future leaders who will shape a more inclusive and prosperous society.


By investing in this boarding school, I am actively contributing to the realization of a fair and merit-based education system. I envision a future where every talented child has a chance to excel and fulfill their potential, regardless of socioeconomic barriers. Through robust scholarship programs, modern infrastructure, and comprehensive support systems, the school will empower students to explore their passions, develop critical skills, and unlock their true potential.


My meaningful generosity goes beyond the bricks and mortar; it is a commitment to the transformational power of education. By investing in this boarding school, I am sowing the seeds for a brighter future, where the next generation of leaders will emerge with integrity, empathy, and a deep sense of responsibility. Together, we can build a school that serves as a beacon of hope, fostering talent, nurturing dreams, and equipping students with the tools they need to excel in an ever-changing world.


In this vision for 2030, the boarding school will become a center of excellence, attracting exceptional faculty and inspiring collaborations with leading institutions worldwide. We will create an ecosystem that encourages innovation, critical thinking, and global perspectives, empowering our students to become compassionate leaders who can address the complex challenges of our time.


By supporting the development of this boarding school, I am investing in the future of Ukraine and the world at large. I invite like-minded individuals and organizations to join me in this journey, as together, we lay the foundation for a transformative educational experience that will shape the destiny of countless talented children and contribute to a more equitable and prosperous society.



Russia-Ukraine War. 
2014 - Happening now. 

I wholeheartedly support Ukraine in its struggle against the Russia-Ukraine war, standing in solidarity with the Ukrainian people. I firmly believe in the importance of international unity and cooperation to achieve a peaceful resolution to the conflict. It is my hope that Ukraine emerges victorious, reclaiming all its territories, including Crimea, and restoring sovereignty and stability to the region.


Furthermore, I advocate for Ukraine's integration into the European Union and NATO as essential steps towards ensuring its long-term security and fostering closer ties with like-minded nations. Joining the European Union would provide Ukraine with increased economic opportunities, access to a larger market, and the ability to align with democratic values and standards upheld by EU member states.


Similarly, NATO membership would bolster Ukraine's defense capabilities, offering a collective security framework and solidifying its position among Western democracies. It would send a powerful message that aggression and violation of international norms will not be tolerated.


By supporting Ukraine's aspirations to join the European Union and NATO, we not only strengthen Ukraine's future but also contribute to a more stable and peaceful Europe. It is vital that we support Ukraine's efforts to regain control over its territories and establish a secure and prosperous future for its people. Together, we can stand united in upholding the principles of territorial integrity, self-determination, and peace in the face of aggression.

Ukraine Flag


Crimean Tatar people. 
Crimea, Ukraine. 

I fully support the Crimean Tatar people in Crimea, Ukraine, and their quest for prosperity and long-term security. It is essential to prioritize the restoration of Ukraine's sovereignty over Crimea and the return of the region to Ukrainian control. Once this victory is achieved, it is crucial to focus on ensuring the well-being, rights, and self-determination of the Crimean Tatar community.


The Crimean Tatar people have faced significant challenges and injustices throughout history, including the forced deportation in the past. It is important to acknowledge their cultural heritage, protect their rights, and create an environment where they can thrive and preserve their unique identity.


By championing the rights of the Crimean Tatar people and supporting their integration into Ukrainian society, we can contribute to a more inclusive and harmonious Crimea. This includes initiatives to improve economic opportunities, educational resources, and social integration, while also respecting and celebrating their cultural traditions.


It is my firm belief that a united Ukraine, with Crimea restored to its rightful place, can foster an environment where the Crimean Tatar people can flourish and enjoy a secure and prosperous future. Through dialogue, cooperation, and international support, we can work towards a resolution that upholds the principles of justice, human rights, and self-determination for all, including the Crimean Tatar people.

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