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KTL - Boarding School for gifted children.
1999 - 2004. Crimea, Ukraine. 

Studying at a boarding school was a transformative experience that surpassed my expectations in countless ways. Living on campus fostered a strong sense of community, as I formed lifelong friendships with classmates who became like family. The immersive learning environment provided round-the-clock access to resources and faculty support, enhancing my academic growth and instilling discipline. The diverse student body exposed me to different cultures and perspectives, broadening my horizons and nurturing global awareness. The extracurricular activities offered a plethora of opportunities for personal development, from leadership roles to artistic pursuits, allowing me to explore my passions and discover hidden talents. The tight-knit community of teachers and students created a supportive network where collaboration and personal growth thrived. The structured routine and accountability instilled valuable time management and organizational skills that continue to benefit me to this day. Overall, my boarding school experience surpassed my university years by offering a holistic education that nurtured not only academic excellence but also personal and social development.

Kyiv-Mohyla Business School. (KMBS)
Presidents' MBA. PMBA-27.
2023-2025. Kyiv, Ukraine.

During my future studies at Kyiv-Mohyla Business School (KMBS), specifically the Presidents' MBA program, PMBA-27, from 2023 to 2025 in Kyiv, Ukraine, I am thrilled to embark on a transformative journey of professional growth. This esteemed program will equip me with advanced business knowledge and leadership skills, preparing me to navigate the complexities of today's global marketplace. With a dynamic curriculum curated by industry experts and renowned faculty, I look forward to gaining insights into strategic management, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The immersive learning environment at KMBS will provide ample opportunities for networking, collaboration, and experiential learning, enabling me to build a valuable professional network and apply theoretical concepts in real-world scenarios. I am excited to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, knowing that my studies at KMBS will propel me towards achieving my career aspirations and making a meaningful impact in the business world.

National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy".
2004. Kyiv, Ukraine.

I had the privilege of pursuing my education at the prestigious and esteemed institution that is often regarded as the epitome of academic excellence, where I embarked on a journey of intellectual growth, forged lifelong connections, and gained invaluable knowledge; however, despite the immense opportunities and enriching experiences it offered, I found myself compelled to make the difficult decision to depart from my studies, driven by the burning entrepreneurial spirit within me that yearned to embark on a path of business ventures and self-discovery, thereby diverging from the traditional educational trajectory but embracing the unknown with an unwavering determination to carve my own path towards success.

Harvard Business School. (HBS)
OPM Program.
2024. Boston, USA


In 2024, I am honored and privileged to have the opportunity to attend the prestigious Harvard Business School (HBS) and participate in the OPM (Owner/President Management) Program, with a focus on Driving Digital Strategy. Located in Boston, USA, HBS is renowned for its exceptional faculty, rigorous curriculum, and transformative learning experiences. Through this program, I am eager to deepen my understanding of digital transformation and acquire the strategic insights needed to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape. The immersive and collaborative nature of the OPM program at HBS will allow me to engage with accomplished peers from diverse industries, fostering a rich exchange of ideas and expanding my professional network. I am excited to learn from renowned faculty members and industry experts, leveraging their expertise to shape my own digital strategy toolkit. With HBS as my educational partner, I am confident that this experience will propel my career forward, equipping me with the skills and knowledge required to lead in the digital age.

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